Posts in Turning Down The Noise
Primer: How I Learned To Find Calm In A Chaotic World

A couple of years ago I came to a realisation – that ever since I first left Brisbane in the late 1990s, when I was posted to New York as a foreign correspondent for News Corp, I’d been rushing. I was stuck on this express train called my successful life, and the best I could do was catch glimpses of their faces as I rushed past their social media platforms: ‘Facebook, Instagram . . . next stop Twitter.’

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Tonic: Turning Down The Noise

Christine Jackman is a talker. Bring up just about any subject and she can converse – fluently and entertainingly – on the topic. She is not the sort of person you would think would be eager to go on a 10-day silent retreat. That, however, is exactly what she did. And then she wrote a book about it.

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Big Ideas - ABC: Seeking silence in a noisy world

Who hasn't thought the world has gotten faster, noisier, busier, more digitally demanding, and more stressful? Writer and journalist, Christine Jackman, was a frantically busy communications executive who realised she needed to try and slow down, seek silence, and live a better, calmer life. Paul Barclay asked her how we can achieve more clarity, simplicity and silence in our lives.

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The New Daily: Turning Down the Noise: Journalist Christine Jackman goes in search of silence

Unfortunately, enlightenment tends to be a messier and blurrier process than that bright, crisp word ‘enlighten’ suggests. And ‘the getting of wisdom’ is only a straightforward linear narrative in the book by Henry Handel Richardson. In real life, it’s more like a game of snakes and ladders: we try our best and advance a few steps, but then we slip back into bad habits and have to start inching forward all over again.

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